Friday, 27 July 2012


once upon a time
There was a king happy sitting, playing in his castel.
But then he got intrupted a thieve tried to sneek into the caste.
Lucky the king caught her on time and pushed the thieve away from his fortune.
what's happening?
The tieve wasn't giving up. She wanted some off the food the king had laying on the caste floor.
She tricked the king by jumping op on the wall where he couldn't reach her.
got you
The king realised the thieve was only hungry and wanted to clean up the caste floor.
He tought it would be good to get some free staff and eventually they became good friends.
For some food the thieve turned out to be a good friend who you could have lot's of fun with.

And so they lived happely ever after.

When this fairy tale was over Broc had to go to work.
Mummy had a client who was in a lot of pain and wanted a treatment so quick as possible.
She didn't care if Broc came along to the clinic.
While mummy was doing the treatment Broc played with the toys in waiting room.
Till next time

struik rovers

Er was eens een koning.
Deze koning zat lekker te spelen in z'n kasteel maar toen opeens kwam er een struikrover aan.
Gelukkig wist de koning hoe die de stuikrover van de kasteel wanden af kon houden.
gewoon ff duwen
 Maar de struikrover gaf niet op.
D'r lagen kruimels op de kasteel vloer en en de struikrover kon de verleiding niet weerstaan.
Dus sprong ze bovenop de kasteel muur waar de koning d'r niet bij kon.
haha pak me dan als je kan.
 Uiteindelijk werden de koning en de struikrover goede vriendjes.
De koning zorgde voor een vol buikje en de struikrover houd de wacht.
Samen kunnen ze lekker spelen.

Zo en dan is 't sprookje weer over en moet er gewerkt worden.
Mama had een klant die zoveel pijn had, die vond 't niet erg dat Broc meekwam zodat ze een behandeling nog diezelfde dag kon krijgen.
Broc vind 't helemaal niet erg om met mama mee naar 't werk te gaan, want d'r zijn vanallerande speeltjes daar.
De verwarming aan en Broc zat lekker te spelen tot mama klaar was.
tot de volgende keer

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Jumpers and Jazz (nederlands)

This hartstike gezellig in 't dorp nu, alle bomen in de hoofdstraat zijn versierd.
Voor de komende 2 weken is 't jumpers and Jazz en is d'r vanalles te doen en te zien.
Broc en mama gingen zondag dus gezellig met z'n tween ff 't dorp in om naar de bomen te kijken.
ze hebben zelfs bowen in 't overdekte winkel centrum

 Ook hadden we een feestje dit weekend.
Bijna niemand op 't feestje had Broc al ontmoet en iedereen vond 't hartstikke leuk om hem te leren kennen.
Hij was mr. popie jopie. Alle dames wilde hem even knuffelen.
Somige zeiden dat ze hem wel wilde, zo'n leuke baby.
Jammer dames deze is van ons.
Broc vond niet iedereen leuk en maakte dat ook goed duidelijk door z'n onderlip uit te steken.
lekker warm bij t vuurtje
Maar bij deze dame vond ie 't hartstikke gezellig die wist precies hoe ze Broc aan 't lachen kon krijgen.
Hihi jou vind ik wel leuk
Mummie heeft een lengte boom op Broc z'n deur geshilderd. Nu kunnen we bijhouden hoe hard Broc wel niet groeid.
Terwijl mama 't afmaakte zat Broc lekker in z'n hoekje te spelen.
niet lang en Broc kan gezellig met mama meeshilderen
Deze week komt er weer een streepje bij 9mnd al weer
Broc kan toch zo lekker lachen.
Pappa was met 'm aan 't spelen voordat ie in bad ging en mama kon 'm in de keuken horen.
Snel even filmen zodat we dat kunnen delen.

Jumpers and Jazz

Broc and mum went down the street to have a look at the trees.
Jumpers and Jazz is on in Warwick and all the trees have been dressed up by some real creative people.
they even made treet IN the shopping centre

We also had a party on this weekend.
Broc was the star of the night.
Every one wanted to cuddle and eat Broc.
Some of the lady's kept saying they wanted another baby, one like Broc.
 Well they can't have Broc because mummy and daddy have already got him and they are not letting him go.

But some ladys knew how to get Broc lauging and of those he couldn't get enough

Mummy finaly finished Broc's measure tree on the door. While mummy was doing the last bits Broc sat in the corner like a good boy, not a bad one, playing with his toys.

Daddy always knows how to make Broc laugh.
Mummy sneeked in and filmed it all without Broc knowing.

Till next time

Saturday, 21 July 2012

On all fours

Broc turns more and more into a little monkey. When he wakes up he moves all over in his bed.
He rolls onto his belly and plays with all the fun toys he has in there.
Mummy walked in and Broc gave here a cheeky smile while sucking on his comforter.
Lucky mummy had the camera on her.

At daycare it was very quite this week. Only him and another little girl were there.
She brings Broc toys all day and looks after him very wel.
When mummy and daddy came to pick Broc up he was still asleep. The daycare mummy was very surprised that he slept for that long.
Mummy wasn't becasue Broc staying up late lately.
He goes to bed normal time but then an hour later he wakes up and thinks it is time to play, and that time of night seems to be the best time of the day.
In the hour he is awake he has more fun then he had in all the hours together during the day.
Pixi thinks it's fun to
Granny played a new game with him when she came to babysit.
Along with this game she had a new song as well so that was dubble fun.
hop hop hop
Well after all this fun it is time to go

Till next time

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Op handen en knieen

Mama heeft een nieuwe mobiel en probeerd via de mobiel de blog te doen. Ben benieuwd hoe t eruit komt te zien.
Tegenwoordig vinden we Broc ondersteboven in bed. Als ie wakker word kan ie niet still liggen en wil die met de beertjes in z'n bed spelen  mama kwam binnen en vond Broc op handen en knieĆ«n in bed. Hij had zo'n lol met al z'n knuffels en z'n knuffel doekjes . Mama ging meteen de camera halen want zo had ze Broc nog niet gezien.
Doekje in de mond en heel onschuldig kijken.
Dat onschuldig kijken daar kan ie wat van dat heeft volgens mij van papa :-)
Mama had een kwak foto's gemaakt want ze vond 'm d'r zo schattig uitzien.

Vandaag was Broc weer naar het dagverbijf geweest de vakantie is over dus 't was een stuk rustiger.

Toen papa en mama hem gingen ophalen lag ie zelf nog te slapen, de juffrouw snapte d'r niks van. Mama wel want tegenwoordig denkt Broc dat 7 uur bedtijd maar een dutje is en na een uurtje is ie klaar wakker. Tot een uur of 10 is ie dan wakker en dat shijnt toch wel de leukste tijd van de dag te zijn want dan heeft ie de meeste lol.
pixi doet lekker vrolijk mee
 Grannie kwam ook weer babysitten en die had een heel leuk spelletje uitgevonden.
Met een nieuw liedje, dus dat was ook wel heel erg leuk.
.hop paardje hop

Nou is ff kijken of dit gaat werken tot de volgende keer

Sunday, 15 July 2012

daddy's little helper

The gearbox in mummies car is sick so it needed to be fixed.
Daddy can fix a lot of things, but this is not one of them.
He can get it out and put it back in, but that is a big job so he could use some help.
Lucky he had Broc to help him out.
the other bold daddy
I know how it's done
Mummies friend had given Broc a new suit. It is very nice and warm.
He got so warm daddy took it off and put him on a new suit.
Only daddy wasn't quick enough and while he changed Broc's nappie at the same time Broc peed all over his clean clothes, so dad got another one out.
That was 3 suits for the day.
In this suit Broc looks like one of the Daltons.
carefull Lucky Luck is not going to get him.

the daltons
Daddy found the Jolly Jumper and put Broc in it.
It had been a long time since Broc has been in it cause it was lost for a few months.
But now Broc is a bit older and likes it way better he is loving it and forgot all about the fact that he was tired and wanted to go to bed.

It was aunty caveman's birthday this week so we went for a visit.
happy birthday

It's always good to go to the farm it's so much fun, and of course we went to have a look at the piggies.
oink oink

Mummie pig had new baby's and they are so cute.
don't look to long, because in another few months they are on the plate.
We also went to have a look at all the birds and on the way Broc gave daddy a big hug.
love you daddy
Back at the house we had to light a candle for the birthday girl. This wasn't a normal candle, it was a very special one.
It keeps every one warm the whole night.
we need us some of those
So much fun and this weekend is not over yet.

Till next time