Wednesday, 26 December 2012


This year Broc got to meet Santa.
It was not scary at all since Santa looks a bit like uncle caveman and Broc gave Santa big smiles.
Are you uncle Caveman's family?
Uncle and Aunty clog came over for a visit and brought a xmas present for Broc.
Broc didn't have to wait for xmas and was aloud to open it straight away so that aunty and uncle clog could see his reaction.
Well well this is going to be fun a water and sand table, 2 ingredients for a but load of fun.
now Broc doesn't have to play with Pixi's water dish no more
After 2 hours of water fun it was time to eat, Broc spotted a lot of food in Pixi her dish and decided there was enough there for them to share.
We were going to spend the xmas days at uncle Sport and aunty Pickture so before mummy packed the car a quick photo of Broc in front of the tree.
Oma traveled with us because grannie had already left to help aunty picture prepare for all the visitors
On the way daddy thought it would be shorter to take the ferry over the river.
This wasn't only Broc's first time on the ferry but also oma's.
it was only a short ride, but a fun one

 The next morning xmas day, Broc woke up really early. Mummy took Broc for a walk so not everyone was going to be woken up. Oma is always up with the birdies and poppie slept in the living room and therefore woke up from all the noise.
Both of them were waving out Broc and mummy for their walk.
see you soon
When we got back every one was up and it was time to unpack the presents.
Broc was first.
Daddy and mummy's present
A little quad bike with a battery in it so Broc can ride it himself.
It didn't take long for him to understand he had to put his foot down on the peddle to start moving.
Broc doesn't understand the steering part yet, but that will happen in time. It also makes a lot of noise and Broc loves noise.

Then he got aunty pickture and uncle sport's present
no sinking now with his life jacket
Grannie and oma gave Broc a table and chairs that he can play with in his tree house when that is finished.
We left it safely packed in the box till the tree house is finished.

Then it was time for poppies present he had been waiting for Broc to get it for so long now he was on the edge of his chair out of excitement.
Broc was curious himself it was the biggest packet out the lot.
sticky peek
Ooh wow a sports car with the same stickers as Peter Brock's car.
Poppy did well.
For now we use the remote control, but when Broc is big enough he can ride it himself.
It is a real car with seat belts, horn, lights, blinkers, engine key, and even a radio.
Broc really likes the music and sits layed back in the car listening to it dancing on the beat.

Again Broc was very spoiled, jeans from aunty music out of Hong Kong and more clothes from grandpa and misses grandpa.

On the Dutch version are 2 movies of Broc riding his new vehicles. If you want to see them have a look on there.

Till next time


Vorig jaar was Broc nog een beetje klein, maar dit jaar was ie groot genoeg om kennis te maken met de kerstman.
Hij vond de kerstman helemaal niet eng en gaf hem een grote glimlach.
he, ben jij familie van ome Caveman?
Oom en tante klomp waren ook nog even voor de kerst op visite geweest en hadden een kerst cadeautje voor Broc meegenomen.
Broc mocht 't meteen openmaken zodat ze konden zien of Broc d'r blij mee was.
Hartstikke leuk cadeau, Broc was d'r heel blij mee want hier kan water en zand in deze speel tafel en dat zijn wel 2 ingredienten voor een hoop plezier.
Na ongeveer 2 uur constante lol moet er natuurlijk ook nog wel gegeten worden.
Pixi had genoeg eten in haar bordje en Broc vond dat ze dat wel met hem kon delen.
De kerst dagen gingen we bij tante camera en ome sport doorbrengen, voordat mama de auto ging pakken eerst ff snel een foto maken van Broc bij de kerstboom.
Oma en Sarmi reden met ons mee want Grannie was al eerder vertrokken zodat ze tante camera kon helpen met de voorbereidingen.
We namen de ferry over de rivier.
Dat was niet alleen voor Broc de eerste, maar ook voor Oma dus dat was een hele belevenis.

de rivier was niet zo breed dus 't duurde niet zo lang, maar toch was 't leuk
Broc was al heel vroeg wakker dus ging mama met hem wandelen zodat iedereen op d'r gemak wakker kon worden.
Oma is staat s'morgens tegelijk met de vogeltjes op en poppie lag in de huiskamer dus die was van ons wakker geworden. Als we vertrekken staan ze met z'n tweeen ons op de veranda ons uit te zwaaien.

daag tot zo
Weer thuis aangekomen, iedereen was op en was 't tijd voor de pakjes uit te pakken.
Als eerste kreeg Broc 't pakje van papa en mama.
Een motor.
Broc kan 'm zelf rijden hij had al snel in de gaten dat ie op 't pedaal moest duwen en dan ging ie vooruit. Hij maakt ook wel erg veel herrie dus dat is voor Broc ook weer een bonus.
Van het sturen snapte ie nog niet veel, maar dat komt nog wel.

Toen kreeg ie tante camera en ome sport's cadeautje.
nu kan ie niet meer zinken als we gaan zwemmen
Van Grannie en Oma had ie een speeltafel met stoeltjes gekregen voor in z'n boomhuis. Dat laten we zolang nog maar ingepakt zitten tot dat 't boom huis klaar is.

Toen was 't poppies beurt die zat te springen op 't puntje van z'n stoel om Broc z'n cadeau te geven.
Broc was erg nieuwsgierig 't was 't grootste pakje in de kamer.

wow een sport auto met dezelfde stickers als Peter Brock, papa's idool.
Broc kan zelf rijden wanneer ie groot genoeg is, maar voor nu gebruiken we de afstands bediening bij zodat papa en mama onder controle hebben waar Broc heen gaat.
Gordel, knipperlichten, kop lampen, muziek, toeter noem 't maar en 't zit d'r op.
wel geslaagd Broc vond 't te gek
De muziek viel wel in de smaak bij Broc. Als je goed luisterd kun je 't horen.
Hij zat lekker mee te dansen met 't liedje.

Tot de volgende keer

Sunday, 23 December 2012

a multicultural party

Aunty and uncle bike organise a big xmas party every year and this year Broc could come as well.
First daddy let Broc play with Spike, because Broc really likes big dogs.
good for big cuddles

and to sit on
Aunty bikes daughter has an 8 month old little boy and Broc hadn't met him yet so we sat them together and they could get to know each other.
Later on Broc was given a present, that was very exiting.
wow what would be in here?

oooooh a puzzle


It was so hot the next day Broc hadn't worn any clothes all day and neither was he wearing any in the car.
We went to the dam for a swim so that didn't matter cause in the water you can't wear any clothes any way.
Monday was a very hot day again and when daddy came home from work we went back to uncle and aunty bike for a swim.
Uncle bike had his grandson there again and he joint in with the swimming party.
With the 4 of them they had lots of fun
After all this swimming and playing in the sun Broc was very hungry when we got back home.
But Broc decited he didn't want to be fed he wanted to eat all by himself.
Ok then Broc you do that.
Broc ended up not eating all that much, most of it ended up on his face instead of inside his mouth

But that's ok we still have his bath, so after that he could go to bed nice and clean.

Till next time

een multi cultureel feestje

Oom en tante vroem vroem hielden een kerst feestje.
Tante vroem vroem komt uit de Filipijnen en heeft heel veel vrienden en familie hier die ook daar vandaan komen.

Toen we daar aankwamen ging Broc eerst eens ff met Spike de hond spelen.
Papa hield alles goed in de gaten en Spike vond 't allemaal wel goed.
Broc vond 't erg leuk om Spike te knuffelen.
deze kan ik lekker hard knuffelen, met Pixi gaat dat niet
en dit gaat met Pixi al helemaal niet
 Tante vroem vroem d'r dochter heeft ook een baby en die is 8mnd.
Broc had hem nog nooit gezien dus werden ze aan mekaar voorgesteld.

Later werden er cadeautjes uitgedeeld en Broc had d'r ook een gekregen.
wat zou er toch inzitten?

oooh een puzzel


De volgende dag was 't zo heet dat Broc alleen in z'n luier rond ging.
S'middags toen papa thuis kwam gingen we weer naar oom en tante vroem vroem, want die hebben ook een zwembad en gingen we daar wat verkoeling op doen.
De laatste keer dat we hier zijn wezen zwemmen was met de Berenboel dus dat was lang geleden. :)
Samen met papa spelen in 't water.

Ome vroem vroem was ook gezellig in 't water met zijn kleinzoon en met z'n vieren hadden ze een hoop pret.

Thuis aangekomen had Broc vort erge honger van al dat zwemmen, maar Broc vind dat ie al wel vort zelf kan eten en natuurlijk mag ie dat dan ook.
Alleen 1 probleempje d'r zit meer eten op z'n gezicht dan in z'n mondje.

Dat geeft niks want gelukkig hebben we 't badje ook nog en kan ie lekker schoon naar bed.

tot de volgende keer

Friday, 14 December 2012

sleep over

Broc is a big boy now, 1 already, and big boys don't need to be at home with mummy and daddy all the time.
It was time for Broc to have a sleep over.
What better place then at oma Gails and Grannie's.
He has been there a lot all ready and knows them very well so mummy and daddy thought that be the place to go.
Of course they were very exited to have Broc over and as soon as we arrived Grannie pulled out all the toys.
Broc loves wheels he can play with them for hours.
Oma Gail wasn't there when we arrived, but she wasn't gone for long and Broc was happy to see her to.
Oma Gail makes Broc laugh, because she makes all these funny noises.
cluck, cluck, cluck like the chooks she just visited to feed.
Grannie pulled out this game and showed Broc how the little balls glide over the wires.
When Broc had a go he found they can roll around also.
Twice the fun with the one toy. What else would a little (big) boy want.
till next time


Gelukkig begint Broc zich weer wat beter te voelen.
Dat komt goed uit want hij gaat een nachtje logeren bij oma Gail en grannie.
Hij is vort een grote flinke jongen en die kunnen best een nachtje zonder papa en mama.
Oma Gail en grannie was de eerste keuze want hij kent 't daar goed.

Daar aangekomen werd 't speelgoed voor de dag gehaald en Broc had 't meteen al naar z'n zin.
wielen zijn toch wel erg interssant, daar kan ie uren mee spelen
 Oma Gail was niet thuis toen we daar kwamen, maar 't duurde niet lang voordat ze weer thuis was.
Broc kan altijd erg lachen met oma Gail want die maakt rare geluidjes.

tok, tok, tok net als een echt kippetje. Pixi komt ook een kijkje nemen.
 Grannie liet zien hoe Broc de balletjes over de ijzerdraadjes kon shuiven.
Dat was wel erg interessant en die balletjes draaien ook nog een rond. Helemaal leuk.

 Tot de volgende keer.

Thursday, 6 December 2012

hot days

Holy moly what has it been hot.
Lucky we have the dam not far away so we can go for a dip and cool off.
When we get there Broc has his lunch first and daddy has a refreshing drink.

The Goldies visited us for the weekend. It was a nice surprise to have them over for the weekend and we didn’t give Broc a hat and shirt the first time we went so he got a little bit burned.
Lesson learned so now hat up and shirt on.
 Together with mummy peddling in the dam.

The pond is leaking. All the rocks had to come out so we can find and fix the leaks.
All the plants in a container with water and Broc is overseeing the job.

Woohoo it was mummy’s birth day.
First of we went for a walk when we got up. A quick stop in the park so Pixi could do her business and we could take a photo from ourselves.

At lunch time we visited daddy at work and before he went back to work mummy got to open her present.
thank you daddy and broc

Broc started to feel sick in the afternoon.
The snot factory was working nonstop even during the night.
All Broc wanted was to be held cause while laying down for sleeping he had trouble breathing.
So mummy ended up sleeping with Broc in the recliner and got heaps of cuddles all night.
In the morning Broc looked a little better, but still not his real self.

When daddy got home Broc wanted a taste of his coffee.

Broc was also aloud to eat his yogurt all by himself at dinner, but that wasn’t so successful.
More ended up on the face then in the mouth.

Broc has a few teeth now so that means they have to b cleaned.
After mummy showed him how it’s done he had go at it himself also.

Till next time