Saturday, 26 January 2013


It was very hot again last weekend.
Daddy and Broc went for a swim while mummy was at work.

Because of the heat there are nice afternoon storms.We had rain and hail coming down by the buckets.
Together with mummy Broc is looking at the 20 cent coin sized hail.
It’s very misty.

Broc saw daddy’s bike helmet and wanted to put it on.
No worries Broc we can help you with that.
Problem was Broc has to do a lot of growing before he fits it.

We also went to the Canwellies. They have a very cool little car.
To go forward you have to walk with it and both boys are still a bit to little to do this, but it was fun to sit in it any way.

Broc finds himself a big boy and doesn’t need to be fed his bottle any more. He likes to drink it all by himself.
Tucked away on the pillow in the corning he enjoys his bottle all by himself.

Opening the cupboard doors in the kitchen is most fun, but Broc knows he is not allowed to do this, so when mummy spots Broc he gives her this cheeky smile while shaking his head no no.

Till next time


Het was weer heet vorige weekend.
Papa en Broc gingen samen zwemmen terwijl mama op 't werk was.

We hadden ook een hele erge stortbui gehad s'middags. Regen en hagel het kwam met emmers naar beneden vallen.
Het was 't er mistig van.

Broc had daddy z'n motor helm gevonden en wilde 'm even passen.
Dat kon geregeld worden.
De conclusie was dat Broc nog wel ff moet groeien voordat ie de helm past.

We waren ook nog even bij de can wel's geweest. Die hebben een leuke auto waar je mee kunt lopen.

De jongens kunnen d'r nog wel niet mee lopen maar d'r in zitten is toch ook al wel leuk.

Tegenwoordig vind Broc zich vort te groot om de fles te krijgen hij drinkt 'm liever zelf.
Lekker onderuit gezakt in de hoek drinkt ie z'n fles leeg

Broc mag niet de keuken kastjes open doen, maar als mama niet kijkt doet ie 't stiekem stoch.
Als mama hem dan betrapt krijgt ze dit lachje terwijl ie met z'n kopje nee shut.


tot de volgende keer

Monday, 21 January 2013

tree house

Poppie came over to help daddy with Broc tree house.

While poppie and daddy were busy drilling mommy painted the boards.

Broc kept an eye on mommy from his car.

Lets test this new floor.

And this is how far they got.

Before poppie went home he took mommy for a drive and when he came back Broc wanted also to sit in the back seat of the trike.

After all this harde work mommy took Broc for a walk, but it looked like Broc wasn’t to keen on going this time. He was eating his cookie while hiding behind his hat.

Till next time

boom huis

Poppie kwam over voor een paar dagen om papa te helpen met Broc z'n boom hut.

Terwijl daddy and poppie druk bezig waren met boren deed mama de planken verven.
Broc hield alles goed in de gaten vanuit z'n auto.

De vloer ligt erin en Broc deed ff testen.

Zover is 't nu al.

Voordat poppie naar huis ging nam ie mama nog even mee voor een ritje op de trike.
En toen ze terug kwamen wilde Broc ook ff d'r bij.

Daarna ging Broc met mammie mee wandelen, maar Broc leek d'r vandaag niet zo'n zin in te hebben.
Hij verstopte zich achter z'n hoed terwijl ie van een lange vinger zat te smullen.

niet alweer
Tot de volgende keer

Sunday, 13 January 2013

Broc the builder

Broc’s legs are full of mosquito bites, daddy is sick of little itchy blood suckers so he decided he was going to make the house mosquito proof.
Fly screens in front of the windows and the front door.

Daddy has been planning this for a few years now so he had all the stuff already in the shed.
He showed Broc how to use the router and it wasn’t long and Broc realized that the bits go in the hole. To top it off and make daddy proud he also grabbed the shifter to tighten it all up.
To bad mommy was to late with the camera to capture that.

Later when it cooled down a bit we went to the farm.
Uncle Caveman was pushing rocks up the hill with the excavator.
Daddy took Broc for a ride and showed him how to use the leavers.

Then it was Broc’s turn.

On top of all that hard work Broc decided it was time to walk.
He crawled to the walker stood up and walked away.
Just like that and ohw ohw ohw is this fun.

Till next time

Broc de bouwvakker

Broc z'n beentjes zitten helemaal vol met muggen bulten, dus papa ging d'r voor zorgen dat die kleine irritante bloed zuigende monstertjes niet meer binnen kunnen.
De meeste spullen hiervoor liggen al jaren thuis dus kon papa meteen aan de slag.
Netten voor de ramen en een hordeur voor de deur.

D'r kwam gereedschap te voorschijn dat Broc wel heel interessant vond.
Hij had papa goed in de gaten zitten houden hoe die de wood router gebruikt en later liet ie zien dat ie goed had opgelet en gaf papa een handje.

Papa was erg onder de indruk toen Broc ook nog eens de sleutel pakte om 't allemaal vast te draaien.
Jammer genoeg was mama niet op tijd met de camera.

Later gingen we naar de farm.
Toen we daar aankwamen was ome caveman druk aan 't werk met z'n graaf machine.
Broc wilde 't ook wel eens proberen dus papa deed 't eerst voor.

En toen was 't Brocie z'n beurt.

Bovenop al dat harde werk is Broc ook nog eens gaan lopen.
Hij kroop naar z'n walker stond op en liep aan, zomaar ineens uit 't niets.

Tot de volgende keer

Saturday, 5 January 2013

day trips

Uncle Donald and Aunty Kwek are only staying a few days, so we took them sightseeing.
We thought it would be nice to have a drive around in a village not far from us and drop in at all the farms for some tasting and tours.
To bad most of the places were closed on new years day.
Of course the ice cream and fruit place mommy wanted to go to was closed as well.
Lucky on the way is a winery and it was open.
No tours or tasting but they cooked a nice lunch.
They had a very interesting truck and Broc had to concentrate very hard to decipher how exactly the bonnet popped open.

The vieuw was awsum so after dinner we took a group photo.

With a full tummy we doodeld back home again, because great grandpa and misses grandpa came over for a visit.
Broc and uncle Donald closed there eyes for a nanny nap, but as soon as mommy tried to take a photo they woke up.
Broc showed great grandpa how well he can drive the car, he probally drives better then grandpa, but we keep that a secret :)
mommy is playing for bridge so Broc can drive underneath
Broc does need a little help going around the corners, daddy has the remote to help him with that.

visiting uncle and aunty
Pixi felt a little left out so Broc took her in the car with him and both they went for a drive
Daddy had to work the next day so mommy took the backpackers to the waterfall not far from home.
The track is not good for the pram so Broc had to go on the back of mommy in the back pack.

he even fell asleep on the way
All good things come to an end.
On the last night the back packers were here we had another BBQ.
See you next year uncle Donald and aunty Kwek.
Keep the milk cold.

till next time