Saturday, 19 July 2014

the last swimming lessons

Broc’s swimming lessons are almost over.
Miss Dolphin told us to bring some heavy winter clothes so everyone could have a taste of how it would be if you would fall in the water in winter.
No problem, with a thick jumper and trackie pants Broc went into the pool.

 Noodelen is always fun.

Of course Broc had to jump in with his clothes on.

Because they all did so well miss Dolphin got the slide back out.

Then it was time to have some fun without those heavy clothes.

During the week mummy had to go to the bank and while she was waiting in line Broc read the paper.

The following Saturday it was the last swimming lesson.
Miss Dolphin had swimming vests for every one, but Broc has his own for in the boat so he wore that.

Oh so this is what that thing is for.

Till next time.

de laatste zwemlessen

Broc z'n zwemlessen zijn bijna over en deze keer moesten we kleren meenemen om in te zwemmen.
Miss Dolfin had gezegd dat 't 't best was als de kleren zwaar waren, dus winterkleren was best.
Kindjes kunnen in de winter ook in 't water vallen natuurlijk en dan moeten ze wel met die zware kleren kunnen zwemmen.
Geen probleem dus met een dikke trui en een jogging broek 't water in.

Noodelen is toch ook altijd dikke pret.

Natuurlijk moest ie ook met die kleren leren om in 't water te springen.

Omdat ze 't allemaal zo goed deden kwam de glijbaan weer tevoorschijn.

Kleren uit en nog even op de mat spelen.

Door de week moest mummy nog even naar de bank, terwijl mummy in de rij stond las Broc ff de krant.

Die zaterdag was 't dan zover deze week was de laatste week en deze keer moest iedereen een zwemvest aan.
Miss dolfin had d'r genoeg, maar Broc heeft z'n eigen zwemvest voor in de boot dus die gebruikte we gewoon.

Nou dat was ook lol, dus dit is waar dat ding voor is.

tot de volgende keer.

Sunday, 13 July 2014

circus at the show

This year the show also has a circus and because we missed the big circus in town a couple weeks ago we went to this one.
This one wasn't as big and neither did it have any animals, but it was still fun.

Broc was very impressed with the girl hanging of the ropes dancing and twirling away on the music.
We weren't aloud to take photo's but mummy took one of Broc any way.

After the circus we went to see the farm animals. This is always a big favourite for Brocie.

Mummy picked up a chookie so he could give it a pet.

There were lots of animals, but the pigs didn't want to be pet as soon as you got one of them they started to squeel the whole town awake so we left them alone. The goats are not shy at all and because they are always hungry it was hard to keep them away.
At every opportunity they tried to eat our clothes, but luckily Broc has some food he could give to them.

On the way to the ducks Broc spotted the water bucket and tried to tip it over. That wasn't aloud of course.

One of the little goats didn't mind being played with and Broc was having a lot of fun with her.

After all this excitement we went home so Broc could have his afternoon nap.
When we got back the monster trucks had arrived for their show.

We had to wait for that show so we went to side show ally.
There was a train and since Broc is really into the trains these days he got to go for a ride.

He went fishing with daddy.

And then finally the monster truck show was on.
What a noise what a fun, Broc loved it.

It was very late and way past Broc's bedtime so off to home we go.
Till next time

circus bij de show

Elk jaar hebben we de show in 't dorp, dit is net zoiets als de kermis, maar d'r zijn niet alleen attracties, maar ook tentoonstellingen van honden, shapen, knutseldingen, koken, fotografie en ook competities voor cowboys met hun paarden.
Dit jaar hadden ze ook een circus en omdat we 't vorige circus hadden gemist gingen we dus naar deze.
Deze was wel niet zo groot en had geen diertjes, maar dat mocht de pret niet drukken.

We mochten binnen geen foto's maken, maar mummy had d'r stieken toch een gemaakt van Broc die vol bewondering keek naar 't vrouwtje dat in de linten van 't dak slingerde op mooie muziek.

Na 't optreden gingen we bij de diertjes langs, dit is altijd een goeie favoriet voor onze dieren vriend.
De schaapen werken altijd goed mee die zijn wel in voor een aaitje.

De kippetjes niet die gaan d'r snel vandoor als d'r kindjes aankomen dus mummy pakte d'r snel een zodat Broc 'm kon aaien.

We gingen ze allemaal af d'r waren ook varkentjes, maar die gingen d'r ook snel vandoor en als je ze probeerde te pakken schreewde ze de hele boel bij mekaar dus lieten we maar lekker met rust.
De geitjes zijn behoorlijk brutaal die verwachten eten en als ze 't niet krijgen beginnen ze gewoon aan je kleren te smikkelen.
Gelukkig had Broc wel wat te eten voor 't geitje.

Thuis hebben we eendjes, maar die zijn een ander ras dan deze dus Broc ging een kijkje nemen.
Tot dat 't drink water zag toen was de interesse ineens bij 't water.
Dat gaf niks tot dat ie 't water om wilde gooien, dat mag natuurlijk niet.

Gelukkig kwam d'r een shattig geitje aanlopen die wel even met Broc wilde spelen.

Tussendoor gingen we naar huis zodat Broc eventjes een slaapje kon doen.
s'Avonds gingen we weer terug de monstertrucks waren d'r om een voorstelling te geven.

Op 't kermis gedeelte was 't ook leuk d'r was een treintje waar Broc gezellig met een ander kindje in kon. Hij is gek op treinen tegenwoordig dus hij vond 't geweldig.
tjuu tjuu
Visjes vangen met daddy.

En toen was 't eindelijk tijd voor de monstertrucks, wat een herrie wat een lol.

till next time

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

a weekend away with mummy

It’s aunty Goldie’s birthday and Broc and mummy are going over there for a long weekend.
It’s a long drive so we leave fri morning straight after brekkie.
After driving for 4 hours mummy asked Broc if he wanted to stretch his legs and got a definite yes in response.
A quick toilet brake and back on the road again. There is a park in the next town that mummy wanted to stop at and have lunch.
Another hour later and there we are. Broc took Pixi in the wobble thing with him.

Before we headed back off again went to the toilet again.
There was a funny tap, but it didn’t take long before Broc worked out how to work this thing.

Broc loved spending the time with the other kids and layed with them on the matras taking selfies on the mobile.

The next day we went for a walk with the dogs en stopped at the park so Broc could have a play.

Aunty Goldie played boat with Broc.
Aye Aye captain.

Then of course we went back to the beach with the other kids.
We took some bread so we could feed the fishies.

All those fish around  him was a bit scary, but lucky Broc, nugget #3 loves holding Broc.

It was a little cold out of the water, but more cuddles and a warm towel works miracles.
Or maybe it was the funky head band.

But the best way to get warm is to play and there was enough to play with here in the park.

So much fun.

Another pickture together.

On the way back to the car Broc got a lift on aunty Goldies shoulders.

On the way home we past another park where the kids wanted to stop.

The weekend was way to short, but all good things come to an end and we had to head back home.
Broc had taken some colouring in pencils.
Back home, daddy had a surprise for Broc.
Poppy bought a go-kart and it was sitting in the driveway.
Broc spotted it straight away and as soon as he got out the car he checked it out.
Brrrmm Brrrmm.

He was so happy he gave daddy a big kissie.

Till next time