Tuesday, 28 October 2014

new friends

Aunty Goldie has a new car that needed a service. So Broc and mummy went to catch up with her while she was only a couple of hours drive away.
She stayed at her sisters place and we were very welcome to stay the night as well so we could catch up even more.
It was full house, because nugget #3 was there as well and those people have 5 kids of their own, but only 3 are younger.
Broc liked their youngest straight away, he is wild and made Broc laugh.
Before we had dinner we went to the park around the corner.

Having a blast with nugget #3 on this thing.

The 2 boys took Broc on the swing.
Lucky mummy was there because they pushed Broc so high up in the air and he hasn’t been on the swing like this very often yet.

That night they kids had so much fun there was no way Broc was going to bed.
Running around in the living room and being dragged over the floor on top of the sleeping bag.
shitty photo's no time to stand still mummy
The next day while the car was getting serviced we went shopping.
For morning tea we had sushi.
Broc loves it he eat 2 rolls all by himself.

When we went for lunch he wasn’t hungry no more and was more interested in playing with the M&M’s aunty Goldie bought him.

When we got home he found some bubble wrap and started popping.

Till next time

nieuwe vriendjes

Tante Goudje d'r nieuwe auto moest een beurt hebben en omdat ze normaal 6 uur verderop woont en de beurt in een plaatsje dat maar 2 uur rijden was gingen we ze gezellig opzoeken.
Haar zus woont daar en dus bleven we daar gezellig een nachtje slapen.
Hier hebben ze ook een heel huis vol met kinderen en Broc kon 't meteen heel goed vinden met de jongste zoon.
Voor 't eten gingen we gezellig even in de speeltuin om de hoek spelen.

Samen met goudklompje #3 was 't lachen geblazen op dit ding.

De 2 jongens gingen gezellig met Broc op de shommel.
Ze hadden niet zo goed in de gaten dat Broc nog maar 2 is en duwde Broc wel zo hoog de lucht in. Maar goed was dat mummy d'r bij was anders was 't denk ik mooi mis gegaan.

s'Avond kwam d'r van slapen niet veel van want ze hadden allemaal zoveel lol, rondrennen en spelen in de huiskamer.
Het beste was toch wel de slaapzak rond trekken door de huiskamer.
shitty foto, geen tijd om still te staan mummy

De volgende dag gingen we gezellig winkelen terwijl de auto nagekeken werd.
Omdat we allemaal zo'n honger hadden en 't nog geen tijd voor lunch was gingen we even wat sushi eten.
Broc loves sushi en had 2 hele rollen zelf opgegeten.

Toen we gingen lunchen had ie niet meer zo'n honger en was ie meer geinteresseerd om met z'n M&M's te spelen die die van tante Goudje gehad had.

Weer thuis had ie de bubble wrap gevonden en was 't poppen geblazen.

tot de volgende keer

Thursday, 16 October 2014

sleep over

Little boy Kanwel came over for the day so his mummy could go to work.
Both boys love to jump on the trampoline and showed each other how high they could jump .

While mummy was doing the washing the boys were playing with the walking horsie. Because it was to hard to push through the long grass they took turns pushing each other.

Later we walked to the park and because we only have a one seater pram mummy had to improvise.
But that was ok like this is super fun.

We stopped on the way to pet the horses.

And of we went again, this time Broc wanted to go on top.

The last little bit was over the grass and that was to hard for mummy to push so the boys had to walk.
Hand in hand so we don’t lose each other.
Broc the leader led the way to the sand

While little boy Kanwel sat on the seat Broc pushed him around and around.
That was good, because that way mummy had plenty of time to take photo’s.

Together in the big swing while mummy pushed them up real high was the best of fun.

little show off

In this park is a flying fox patently both boys waited upstairs till it was their turn.

Back home it was time for lunch.
A special bacon and egg sandwich filled the tummy.

After lunch it was bed time.
First we tried it in Broc’s bed, but that was unsuccessful so mummy tried the big bed.
Soon they were both asleep.

till next time


Little boy Kan wel kwam voor een dagje bij ons zodat z'n mummy naar 't werk kon.
Allebei de jongens vinden de trampoline geweldig en met z'n tweeen waren ze z'n best aan 't spingen.

Terwijl mummy de was aan 't ophangen is gaan de jongens alletwee op 't rij paardje door de tuin.
Doordat 't gras the moeilijk was om zelf vooruit the komen besloten ze om omstebeurd mekaar duwen.

We gingen gezellig naar 't park en omdat mummy geen 2 zitjes in de auto heeft gingen we gewoon lopen.
Alletwee op de wandel wagen ging goed.

Onderweg even gestopt om de paardjes te aaien.

En toen weer verder.
De rollen omgedraaid, Broc bovenop en Kan wel in 't zitje.

Het laatste stukje over 't gras moesten de jongens zelf lopen.
Hand in hand zodat we mekaar niet kwijt raken.
Broc leid de weg naar 't zand

Broc deed liever de draaimolen duwen, das mooi want dan kan mummy foto's maken.

Samen in de schommel is ook leuk.

lekker stoer doen

Bovenop de brug wachten om met de kabel baan naar beneden te gaan.

Weer thuis was 't tijd voor lunch.
Boterham met ei en spek gaat d'r altijd wel in.

Na de lunch naar bed.
In Broc z'n bed gingen ze allebei niet slapen dus dan maar in mummies en daddies bed.

till next time

Tuesday, 14 October 2014


Just like mummy Broc loves horses.
On our way to aunty and uncle Clog we saw a mare with her foal so we stopped to have a look at them.

Uncle and aunty Clog's neighbors also have horses and uncle Clog's dad got some carrots to feed them.

Watch your fingers Broc.

till next time


Net zoals mummy vind Broc paardjes ook heel leuk.
Onderweg naar oom en tante Klomp stopte we even want d'r waren veulentjes in de wei waar we even een kijkje naar gingen nemen.

De buren van oom en tante Klomp hebben ook paardjes en ome Klomp z'n vader had wat wortels voor Broc gehaald zodat ie de paardjes kon voeren.

Wel uitkijken voor je vingertjes Broc.

tot de volgende keer

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

rock star (english)

The Goldies had a wedding here in town and stayed with us for the weekend.
Before they left we took a photo of the nuggets.
Daddy had to come to Broc didn’t want to go on the photo otherwise.

There was also a big market in ‘t park, mummy and Broc went together, because the Goldies had to go home.
 There was a little ride and Broc wanted to go in it.
It was a difficult choice which animal to pick.
A Horse, a horse or a horse, eventually Broc choose the horse and off he went.

A lady gave him a balloon and Broc proudly strut around with it.
On the way to the park he spotted an old tractor that he made a beeline to.

There was a drum set in Broc’s room at day care en Broc couldn’t resist he had to play the drums.
So much fun he couldn’t get enough of it.

Broc has been eyeballing the rope structure in the park for a while now, but he never dared to climb in it.
Finally he got the nerve and had a go, carefully so he didn’t fall through the holes, but hey this is fun.

Poppy came over for a week, daddy had all his top teeth pulled so he can get dentures and because getting so many teeth pulled at ones isn’t a walk in the park and made daddy very sick it was nice to have poppy here and look after Broc while mummy was at work.
They both came over and visited mummy at work.
Mummy’s client’s kids were there also and poppy read every one a little story.

Till next time