Monday, 14 May 2012

Mothers day

It was mama's first mothers day so that was very special.
As usual Broc woke up at 7am so mummy got up to give him his breaky.
When Broc was finished daddy came helped Broc giving mummy her present.
She got a photoshoot so we are going to go and get photo's done from the 3 of us.
Later in the morning we went to see the grandma's because for them it was a special day also.
Broc fits into the clothes mummy's family brought from Holland, so mummy dressed Broc up in her favourite pants.
When daddy walked in he wasn't to impressed with the colours and thought Broc looked like a clown.
Daddy got a top for him because he was scared he wouldn't like the one mummy would pick.
When daddy went trough the tops he found one that he thought fitted perfect.
It said: Its not my fault.
so cute
Daddy played tumble games with Broc. He was showing of to his grandma's how much he like it while looking at them, laughing out loud.

We also went to aunty pickture and uncle sport this weekend. They moved in toghether not long ago and so we went to check out aunty's new home.
Aunty pickture loves Beagles so uncle sport bought her a toy one not long ago. (it really is a basset, but uncle didn't realize that so we just pretend it's a Beagle :))
Any way Broc got to play with it and lots of fun riding it.
lets hope he is not going to use Pixi for this game
This week Broc his sitting skills improved a lot. He very seldom falls over now, but just in case there are pillows around him.
He loves his toys and talks and plays while he sits on his soft coulourful letter mat oma bought him.
Mummy also found a new safe spot for Broc to sit in while she is working in the kitchen.
This is much more fun with mummy in the kitchen rather than alone in the living room.
cheeky boy
Till next time

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