Thursday, 6 September 2012

Fathers day

Grannie went visiting aunty pickture for a couple of weeks, so oma Gail came over to babysit.
Broc really enjoyed it, new games new songs and lots of giggels.

Lots of visitors on the weekend first uncle and aunty plane came by.
They visited their new grandbaby and while they were here they dropped in to say gday.

Then poppy came later in the morning.
He came driving in on his trike. He renovated it all himself and it’s the colour red, just the colour Broc likes red is his favourite.
Mama and Broc went on the back with daddy.
Hold on Broc. and Pixi.

Party time, uncle caveman turned 50 and had a big party.
On the way to the party Broc got to sit face forward for the first time.
The nurses weight him and he is 9kg with clothes on now. So this big boy doesn’t have to travel like a baby no more.
Way more fun this way.
In the beginning he was holding on for dear life, but after a while when he realized it was all good Broc relaxed.

Then it was Fathers day.
Daddy’s first one. And Broc woke daddy up with a present.
A stubby cooler with photo’s of Broc on it.

Little Canwellie came over for a visit with his mummy later in the afternoon.
It had been a while since we seen them so it was fun to catch up.
Little Canwellie liked Broc’s toys and Broc didn’t mind sharing them with him.

So that was a full on weekend.
Till next time

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