Thursday, 23 May 2013

dog, dog (english)

It was aunty clog’s birthday so we went to visit her.
The clog’s haven’t got any children but they do have to dogs the love just as much.
Broc knows Max and Lilly, but hasn’t seen them for a while. Because daddy always plays silly games with Max, Max got very exited that we were there and didn’t realize Broc was there as well.

Every time Broc sees a dog he calls out dog, dog, it seems to be his favourite word at the moment.
But not Pixi she is a dog to but he calls her “ee”.
Broc got a bit hungry later on and mummy had forgotten to bring a snack so aunty clog went and got some muffins.
Together with Max, Lilly and Timmie aunty clog shared some delicious muffins.

Mummy and Broc go for a walks, but now mummy has a pushbike so they can go for a ride together.
Broc specially likes the basket on the front it’s just like sitting in the shopping trolly.

Because we have to wear helmets Broc has got of his own now.
A spiderman helmet. Wow.
He is not really keen on having something on his head so mummy put hers on as well so Broc can get used to it.

At mummy’s gym is a competition going every week there is a task they can do to win a prize.
In this weeks chalange we had to do a push up in a public area and send a photo the the gym’s facebook page.
Broc helped mummy getting a funny photo.

After that we went to the caveman’s.
Uncle caveman breeds pigs and mummy and daddy had bought one for in the freezer so we went to pay for it.
Broc loves going to the farm and uncle caveman.

Till next time

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