Thursday, 6 June 2013


Mummy had to do a course on the weekend so Broc and daddy had the whole weekend to themselves.
Mummy was home just on time to put Broc in bed.
Broc is getting another tooth and once again it is making him feel sick.
Lucky for Broc poppy came over for a quick visit and had his cousin with him.
It was so much and made Broc feel much better for a while.
(Unfortunately no photo’s because mummy wasn't there to take them)

The next week everything was back to normal.
While mummy was in the kitchen getting Broc’s breakfast ready Broc was playing in the living room.
He has lots of toys there in a rally nice big toy box.
Only Broc thinks it’s more fun to play with mummy’s and daddy’s stuff and especially the things he is not allowed to touch.
It was very still in the living room and that usually is a good sign Broc is up to some mischief, so mummy went to check it out.
Oh dear here he was sitting surrounded by almost a whole bag of nuts and raisins.
He thought it was great the little monkey.
when mummy checked the photo Broc decited it was even more fun to lay down and dry swim in it.
Nuts flying everywhere.
Mummy’s friend came over for a visit and while they were talking Broc sat on the little table that holds one of mummy’s dolls.

That tooth is finally through as you can see from that happy smile.
joining into the conversation
till next time

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