Wednesday, 16 October 2013

The monkey zoo

We went with some family to a zoo where they only had monkeys.
When we walked through the gate and there was the welcome comity. All 58 of them.
Some were very friendly and came to check us out.

At morning tea uncle and aunty Friky loved spending time with Broc.

Besides the monkeys there was also a little petting zoo.
Broc loved being close to the animals and couldn't wipe the smile of his face.

The sheep got a big fat cuddle and a kissie.

All the bigger apes were safe away from visitors, but there was a big statue off a gorilla that looked very real.

Here they are, hanging around in the sun.

Before we left we went on the carousel. Broc had not been in one before and loved it.
So much fun he didn't want to leave.

All of us.

Till next time.


We gingen met z'n alle naar de Apenheul.
Meteen werden we al ontvangen door t welcome comité

Tijdens lunch ome en tante Friky zaten lekker met Broc te spelen.

Dr was ook een kinderen boerderij en Broc vond 't geweldig om de diertjes te aaien.

Sommige kregen zelfs een dikke knuffel en een kusje.

Alle gorilla's zitten veilig achter slot en grendel en kunnen we alleen op afstand zien, maar d'r stond wel een levensecht beeld waar we leuk mee op de foto konden.

En hier zitten ze dan lekker in 't zonnetje te luieren.

Voor de uitgang is een draaimolen en Broc was nog nooit in een draaimolen geweest dus dat was lekker spannend en hartstikke veel lol.
Zoveel lol dat 't huilen was toen we d'r weer uit moesten.

Wel nog even een groepsfoto voordat we naar huis gingen.

Tot de volgende keer

De eerste dagen

Aangekomen bij de berenboel was t meteen feest. Ze hebben daar een keukentje en dat vind Broc geweldig.
Niet alleen 't keukentje maar ook 't bijhorend costume.
Eventjes later was Magnes ook wakker en konden we eindelijk kennis maken met 't nieuwe beertje.
s'Middags op feest want oma was jarig.
Iedereen vond 't hartstikke leuk om Broc te leren kennen en tante Friky stond meteen in '' goede boek.
Samen frietjes eten, die gingen d'r wel in.
De volgende dag gingen we gezellig met z'n alle naar de speeltuin.
Birke kon niet wachten om Broc alles te laten zien.
Met de speeltje die hier stonden konden Broc en daddy samen spelen.

Of samen met Birke

Of natuurlijk lekker alleen.

Daddy houd Broc toch wel in de gaten en zat Broc schrikken als die door 't raampje kijkt.

Broc vind Magnes een erg leuk nieuw neefje.

Maar 't leukste is toch wel de bolder kar.

We samen met een vriendin van mummy en haar haar zoontje  de bossen in geweest, daar hebben ze een een leuk cafeetje met een speeltuin.
Van al dat spelen kreeg Broc natuurlijk wel dorst en dit yoghurt drankje was een beetje vreemd, maar toch wel lekker.

De bolderkar is leuk, maar t is nog leuker samen met Birke.

Tot de volgende keer.

The first days

When we arrived at the bear clan's place and Broc got to see his aunty, uncle and niece in real. Normally he sees them via Skype,that is fun but this is way more fun.
Broc loves kitchen's and guess what, Birke has one.
She hasn't only got a kitchen, but also a cook costume.

A little bit later Magnes woke up and we finally got to meet the little baby bear.

It was oma her birthday and so she gave a birthday party. Every one was very excited to see Brocie.
Not everyone was straight away in the good books with Broc, but aunty Friky was. Broc loved her and together they ate chips.

The next day we went to the play park.
Birke couldn'the wait to show Broc everything.

There were toys to share with daddy.
And opa.
And Birke.
Or just by himself.

Daddy keeps an eye on Broc and scared Broc when he looked through the window of the play house.

Broc also really likes his new little cousin and plays with him on the mat.

But the most fun he has on the fancy pushbike. Daddy calls it a ute bike.

With a friend of mummy and her little boy we went to the woods, there is a little cafe in the middle of the woods with an area for kids to play.
All that playing made Broc very thirsty and mummy got him a yoghurt drink. It was a bit strange, but it tasted ok.

The ute bike is even more fun with cousin Birke.

Till next time.

Monday, 7 October 2013

finally we are leaving

Today is the day.
This afternoon we are leaving for our big trip. Broc was up early 6.30 am.
We stayed at poppy's the night before so we didn't have to drive all day.
Broc was waking up on daddy''s lap.
Before we left for the plane we went to feed the fishies with poppy.
Daddy had to help Broc throw the bread cause he couldn't throw so far.
After the fish eat all the bread Broc and Broc had a cuddle while looking at the fishies
Poppy dropped us off at the airport and together with Broc and daddy he came walking back.
The trolly was so heavy, daddy couldn't possibly push it all himself.
Lucky he had Broc to give him a hand.

In the plane we had a bassinet for Broc so he could sleep. After dinner Broc was very tired so mummy gave him a bottle so he could sleep well.
But there was to much going on in the plane so Broc wouldn't sleep. Finally after being awake for about 16 hours straight Broc fell asleep.
It didn't last long only an hour and a half.
We had to wait 3 hours in Singapore on the airport and just 2 min before we left in the next plane Broc fell asleep again in daddy's arms.
After that he slept for about 7 hours.
When we arrived opa and oma were already waiting for us, and oma had brought Broc a helium balloon.
That was fun.
Till next time