Monday, 7 October 2013

finally we are leaving

Today is the day.
This afternoon we are leaving for our big trip. Broc was up early 6.30 am.
We stayed at poppy's the night before so we didn't have to drive all day.
Broc was waking up on daddy''s lap.
Before we left for the plane we went to feed the fishies with poppy.
Daddy had to help Broc throw the bread cause he couldn't throw so far.
After the fish eat all the bread Broc and Broc had a cuddle while looking at the fishies
Poppy dropped us off at the airport and together with Broc and daddy he came walking back.
The trolly was so heavy, daddy couldn't possibly push it all himself.
Lucky he had Broc to give him a hand.

In the plane we had a bassinet for Broc so he could sleep. After dinner Broc was very tired so mummy gave him a bottle so he could sleep well.
But there was to much going on in the plane so Broc wouldn't sleep. Finally after being awake for about 16 hours straight Broc fell asleep.
It didn't last long only an hour and a half.
We had to wait 3 hours in Singapore on the airport and just 2 min before we left in the next plane Broc fell asleep again in daddy's arms.
After that he slept for about 7 hours.
When we arrived opa and oma were already waiting for us, and oma had brought Broc a helium balloon.
That was fun.
Till next time

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