Saturday, 28 December 2013

Safari Park

Mummies cousin had tickets for the safari park, but they didn't have time to go so she gave them to us.
Very nice of her and we loved to go and take the bear family with us.
It was a rainy day, but lucky enough we could drive through the park in our own car so we could stay inside.
First we passed the horses.
Hang on these must have only just woken up because they were still wearing their PJ's.

And what about these funny looking cows.

They had plenty of deer in this place, they were everywhere.

And this was a very friendly cow he came over to give Broc a big slobber kissie.

More deer

And then we stood in a traffic jam, the giraffes were saying G'day to every one.
It wasn't long before they headed our way.

hello Bear family
Looks like they are thirsty to liking the water of the car.

Oh my they are huge

Then finally they came to say hello to Broc.

Wow what an adventure.
Till next time.

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