Friday, 11 April 2014

pretty girls

Mummy and Broc went to the shops, while mummy was checking out some books she could hear Broc chatting away and was wondering who he was talking to.
When she looked he had found a couple of girls he was trying to chat up.
They didn't say much back, but Broc didn't care he still liked them and gave them a kissie before we left.

Broc is turning into big boy more and more he also does all his busniness on the potty now.

Broc and mummy had been very busy crafting.
It's time for the xmas tree to go up and so they made the decorations for the tree together.
While Broc was asleep mummy set up the tree and Broc checked it out when he got up.

then the light whent on ooooh
 Broc had to check out the lights, but they were a bit warm to touch and so he tried blow them out.

We went to the Christmas party from daddy's work and Santa was there to give all the kids presents.
When Broc got called up mummy had to come because he was a bit nervous of santa.
But Broc was very happy with his new ball and lollipop.

till next time

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