Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Sea-world (english)

Because we are at poppy’s place and he lives close to sea-world we went there before we went back home again.
On our way to the dolphin show we stopped at the sting rays.

He came up a bit to high and scared Broc so he started to cry.

Lucky it didn't’ last long because he had to lick his ice cream before it melted on the ground.

We also had a look at the penguins, they are so funny.

Broc was very impressed and sticky at the dolphin show.

When the show finished the dolphin’s danced and waved good bye.

Time for lunch.

The birds came and had a look what they could scab from us and Broc loved sharing his lunch with them.

We went to the under water aquarium. That was very impressive and the fish just swam past us

And the turtles

There where lots of colorful little fish to see in the coral area.

Broc couldn't get enough of it all, so much to see.

After we left the aquarium we went to see the Polar Bears

We went to the kids rides before we went home.
Of course there was a carousel.

Together with daddy in the plane’s, up and down so much fun.

But the truck was the topper of the day.
Tuut tuut with the horn like a real truckie.

Poppy sat in the back of Broc’s truck and when the ride finished he helped Broc out off the truck.
All the kids left the doors wide open except for Broc he closed the door behind him like a good boy.

It was very late by the time we left the park and way past Broc’s afternoon sleep time, but that was o.k. because Broc could sleep in the car on the way home.
After Broc’s sleep we stopped at a road house for some dinner and cake.
Its Broc’s twin cousin’s birthday today and we celebrated that with a nice piece of Lamington.

till next time.

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