Saturday, 21 May 2016

'n Leuke zaterdag - fun Saterday

Het zwem seizoen is weer begonnen en 't begon al meteen met dikke pret met de andere jongens op de mat.
Swimming season has started again and oh so much fun with the other guys on the mat.

Broc still doesn't want to be by himself in the water, but miss Dolphin gave him some goggels so he can see under water.
Broc still doesn't like to be in the water by himself, but miss Dolphin gave him some goggles just in case he wanted to look under water.

Tweede Zaterdag van de maand en dus zijn de market weer volop aan de gang.
We gaan eens een kijkje nemen en zien dat d'r vanalles leuks voor de kinderen te doen is.
It's te second saterday of the month and the markets are happening in town.
We go for a stikkie and find there is all sorts of good stuff to do for the kids.

Broc was de enigste op 't lucht kasteel dus kon z'n hartje op.
Broc was the only one on the air caste so he could do what ever he wanted.

Een tijdje geleden hebben Broc en daddy wat aardbijen plantjes gezet en nu zitten d'r aardbeitjes aan en daddy laat aan Broc zien dat ze zich verstoppen onder de blaadjes.
Daddy and Broc planted some strawberries a little while ago and now they have some fruit.
Daddy shows Broc how they play hide and seek under the leavs.

Broc weet d'r wel raad mee
Broc knows what to do with these.

tot de volgende keer.
till next time

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