Wednesday, 29 February 2012

In English as well as Dutch

Net zoals Brocie met alletwee de talen word opgevoed word de blog nu ook in 't engels geschreven zodat de Australishe familie en vrienden het ook kunnen lezen.

Broc gets thought how to speak both English and Dutch so from now on the blog will be in both languages as well (english will be in an angle like this), so all of our friends and familie here in kangaroo land can read it as well.
I'll quickly explain about the blog. My brother in law does this blog for his daughter Birke so familie and friends stay up to date with what is happening in her life. It is called the Bear familie and he does it every day. I love reading these blogs and look forward to reading them every day. While they were here on holliday he set one up for me. So they can keep up with what is going on in Broc's life.
I'm not that keen to write one every day, but at least 1 a week it al depense on what's happening.

Gisteren had Broc niet zo'n fijne dag. Terwijl mama aan 't werk was moest papa oppassen. Broc was al weer vroeg wakker en dus moest ie weer naar bed voordat mama thuis kwam. Nou mooi niet hoor Broc was 't niet van plan hij was al meer dan 3 uur op toen papa mama belde. Mama zou over 15 min thuis komen en toen papa dat tegen Broc zei was 't goed en viel die in slaap ( de eigenwijze drommel). Hij had wel 3 uur geslapen voor ie weer wakker werd en was daarna vrij snel weer moe dus mama legde hem weer in bed. Weer waren de poppen aan 't dansen, tranen met tuiten want ook al kon ie z'n oogjes niet open houden van de moeheid slapen wilde ie niet. Uiteindelijk is ie in mama d'r armen in slaap gevallen. Na een uurtje was ie al weer wakker en dat was eigenlijk niet lang genoeg omdat ie al zo weinig had geslapen heel de dag. Mama dacht dat wat frisse lucht hem wel goed zou doen dus heeft ze de sport shoenen aangetrokken en zijn ze gaan joggen. Nou ja mama dan want Broc zat lekker in de wandel wagen te genieten van de rit.
Thuis gekomen snel even nog in badje en eten en weer naar bed.
Slapen had ie nog steeds niet veel zin in hij heeft tot 10 uur naar t rode lampje van de monitor zitten staren, maar hij was gelukkig wel still.
Om 1 uur was ie weer wakker en ging mama de fiep er terug in stoppen en wat denk je komt papa thuis van 't werk. Broc hoort de auto de hoek omkomen en meteen klaar wakker. Net als pixi, Broc z'n hondje helemaal opgewonden. Toen moest er dus weer een voeding in voordat ie weer ging slapen.

with oma and pixi
Yesterday wasn't such a good day for Broc. Broc woke just after mama left for work, so he had to go back to bed before mama got home from work. Well Broc just didn't agree with that and daddy couldn't get him to sleep. After more then 3 hours daddy rang mama to find out what time she would be home. Lucky for him it was only another 15 min. So of course when mama got back Broc was fast asleep. After a whopping 3 hours he woke up again. An hour later he looked like he was due for another sleep so mama went to put him back in bed. Wel wel what a drama that was screeming and kicking bed wasn't where Broc wanted to be. Eyes shut because he was so tired he couldn't keep them open, but no it wasn't happening. Finally he fell asleep in mums arms. Only an hour later and it was party time again, right awake. So mummy put on the sneekers time for some fresh air. After that a bath and a feed and bed time again. This time Broc was happy to go to bed, but he still layed there till 10pm looking at the red light of the baby monitor before falling asleep.
At 1am Broc woke again and just when mama put back in his dummy daddy came driving around the corner so hoppa right awake again just like pixi his little doggie exited that daddy is back home. So then it took some more boob juice to get him back to sleep.
happy to be awake. who needs to sleep when you can have fun

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