Friday, 30 November 2012

bye bye

Bye bye
It was the last week for opa and oma and oma is taking in all the cuddles she can get.

It was daddy’s birthday this week and because mummy forgot to buy a card Broc made one for daddy.

Because it was daddy’s birthday he could do whatever he wanted and he wanted to go fishing. He took opa with him and mummy took Broc and oma to look for some kangaroos. Oma hadn’t seen any yet and didn’t want to leave without seeing some.
Lucky there is always plenty at the dam.
When we were there daddy and opa came up to where we were.

The sun was about to go under and it was perfect for taking picktures.
not often mummy gets to go on the photo with Broc

oh no more cuddles

don't loose balance daddy

boxing with opa

Daddy and mummy got a gift voucher from work and bought a trampoline from it.
Bouncing is good for bubba’s and Broc is about to outgrow his jolly jumper.
The trampoline really was meant for xmas, but it is to big to unpack at aunty picture’s place so Broc can have it already.
daddy was making mummy laugh real hard and Broc quickly got out of the way

Broc was loving it up and down, up and down.
So much fun!
safe on the edge. not so much bouncing here.

Daddy and oma tought Broc a new trick.
If you listen really wel you can hear Broc is letting go a deep breath after he has a drink.

And then it was time to leave home.
What a bummer we had so much fun with opa and oma, but Broc’s little cousin Birke is missing her opa and oma and surely she is looking forward seeing them again.
After checking in we had some lunch.

And then it was time for opa and oma to go.
The plane was waiting.
Bye bye opa and oma we love you very much.

Till next time

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