Wednesday, 7 November 2012

playing in the backyard

Because Broc loves to sit in the swing in the park daddy build him a swing in tree in the back yard.

It was a bit big first, but then daddy cut some off the top en Broc was a lot happier.

While opa and oma are on here on holiday Broc spends a lot of the time outside.
It usually doesn’t take long before he is filthy because of all the dirt from the driveway.
Specially after he has had a wet face he gets very dirty.

Daddy and opa have been fishing a few times since opa is here, but they have only caught a couple of  fish once.
Broc helped daddy practice how to catch and laughed out loud while doing this.

It must have worked because late that evening long after Broc went to bed opa and daddy came home with a good catch.
Opa caught 2 and daddy caught 8.

They dropped 2 off at a friend’s place en brought 8 home.

We have a gate at the steps now so Broc can’t fall down the stairs.
While he stands there he can just see the caravan and calls out for opa and oma.
hihi mummy they listening

Oma has been teaching Broc how to eat his sandwiches by himself.
She figured if he can eat the gravel in the driveway, surely bread must taste a lot better.

Till next time

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