Tuesday, 30 July 2013

a good cause

There is a big dog in the shopping center.
Instead of biscuits he eats coins. Broc can see him from a distance and keeps calling out doggendoggendoggen.
So when mummy has done the shopping we are going to see the dog.

On the bottom of the escalator is a little kids play thing. Broc hasn't been in it yet, but today that’s going to change.
Mummy got some more coins and around and around Broc goes.

In the afternoon we got some friends passed through town and dropped in to say g-day.
This was fun a house full of kids because they have 3 of them.

Party in town. Jumpers and Jazz is on again. The streets are dressed up and so we all went down town. We picked up oma on the way the more the merrier.

There was a car show in the main street. And a guy and a woman who drove around making music.

After all this walking it was lunch so we dropped in at the club and had something to eat.

Mummy had to go to the bank and Broc tried to get everything from behind the glass so mummy put Broc in the kids corner. He didn't mind at all and even put up a hissy fit when mummy picked him up to leave.

But we went to see a friend for a coffee and after Broc finished his baby chino he decided it was time for a game.

Till next time.

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