Monday, 8 July 2013

eggs and soldiers

Broc loves his eggs, so daddy made him some special egg breakfast.
Soft boiled eggs with soldiers.
Daddy took the top of the egg and then the fun begun.

After this awesome breakfast we went to the motor cross. Uncle caravan’s son was racing so we went to cheer him on.

Broc loved it all that noise and all those fast bikes. Every bike he spotted without a rider he wanted to go sit on, but of course that wasn’t allowed.
In the brakes Broc kept himself busy playing with the sticks on ground.

Poppy needed to organise something with aunty picture and daddy so we went over for the afternoon.
After they finished we went to the coffee shop for a coffee.
How lucky was mummy it was her favourite coffee shop.
Of course Broc was spoiled as well and poppy bought him a babychino and a biscuit.

He specially liked the marshmallows on the bottom.

On top of the biscuit were smarties and Broc picked them off one by one.
After all this mjummie and sweet treats Broc looked like a little piggie.

After all these sweets we went into the shopping centre because poppy knew they had something there that would give Broc a smile on his dial.

Poppie had a pocket full of golden coins and on the other side was a rocket that was screeming out Broc’s name.

Broc was so happy to be in the rocket he was smiling at the other kids that were watching him to show them how much fun he was having.

Till next time

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