Mummy and Broc went to check the mail, what a suprise there was a letter for Broc in the mailbox.
Snel gingen we naar daddy zodat ie die ook kon zien van wie Broc een brief had gekregen.
Quickly we went to see daddy to show him the letter.
Omdat Broc zelf nog niet kan lezen las daddy de brief voor en Broc ging lekker op zijn schoot zitten.
De brief was van de Tuttefee, zij liet Broc weten dat ze Broc z'n tut op kwam halen.
Broc doesn't know how to read yet so daddy read the letter to him while Broc sat on his lap.
Die avond kwam de Tuttefee, maar Broc liet z'n tut niet los en na 3x proberen gaf de Tuttefee op.
De vogende morgen had Broc dus nog steeds z'n tut, maar toen Broc tut, Edmond en Cheesy terug in bed legde nadat ie opstond kwam de tuttefee haar taak volbrengen.
In plaats van de tut lag d'r nu een pakje in Broc z'n bed.
Later toen ie tut ging halen vond ie dus een pakje in tut's plaats en was ie erg enthousiast om 't open te maken.
That night the dummy fairy came to collect her dummy, but Broc wasn't letting go of it, so after 3 goes she gave up and came to collect it after Broc woke up that moring and left dummy, cheesy and Edmund by themselfs in bed.
She replaced dummy with a present.
When Broc went to pick the lot up before bed he found he had a present and was very exited.

't Was een leuk voorlees boek. dus mummy las 't meteen voor, die middag voordat Broc weer naar bed ging.
Broc was d'r helemaal niet meer blij mee toen ie in de gaten had dat ie zonder tut moest slapen en het duurde erg lang voordat ie eindelijk moe van 't huilen in slaap viel.
Gelukkig ging 't s'avonds al weer wat beter had ie in de gaten dat ie 't vort zonder tut moest doen.
It was a story book so mummy got to read it to him straight away.
But Broc wasn't happy with it any more when he realized there really was no more dummy and it took a long while before he finally fell asleep, tired from crying.
That night he went to bed much easier he must have accepted that dummy was gone and there was nothing he could do about it.
tot de volgende keer
till next time
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